La musica è un vento misterioso che entra nell’uomo e lo invade e lo muove come il vento muove il mare. E l’uomo piange o ride, si sente triste o felice, balla o sta fermo e non sa perché. E questo vento scuote il mondo e l’uomo si guarda dentro e sente qualcosa.
venerdì 30 ottobre 2020
mercoledì 28 ottobre 2020
Prendi un sorriso,Regalalo a chi non l’ha mai avuto.
Prendi un raggio di sole,
Fallo volare là dove regna la notte.
Scopri una sorgente,
fai bagnare chi vive nel fango.
Prendi una lacrima,
Posala sul volto di chi non ha pianto.
Prendi il coraggio,
Mettilo nell’animo di chi non sa lottare.
Scopri la vita,
Raccontala a chi non sa capirla.
Prendi la speranza
E vivi nella sua luce.
Prendi la bontà
E donala a chi non sa donare.
Scopri l’amore
e fallo conoscere al mondo.
venerdì 23 ottobre 2020
- Privacy Screen
12 single sit
See picture for description
mercoledì 21 ottobre 2020
- Elie Dress & Sleeves
for event Plumeria
In-world mainstore
hair emo
Stupenda Flux
pure poison
BE9 "Your warmth"
Leather Bed 10-20 TMWJ
Exclusive for The Men & Women Jail Event
(Open 10th 1pm SLT to 30th October, 2020)
10% Discount
Available in .:Tm:.Creation store after event
.:Tm:.Creation "Your warmth" Leather Bed and rug with anims. BE9
Leather bed with pillows and blanket
Land Impact: 11 - Approx. sizes: meters 3.5 wide x 3.7 deep
Animations for 2 persons (PG or Adult version)
Decor: Round Rug: 2 LI size 4m
100% Mesh
Permission: Copy | Modify | No Transfer
No Poseball - No static poses - Scene Sequence play up to 8 mins of scene (looping x each) - Bento Animations included
-PG Version 264 loop animations: 89 PG couple poses - 7 PG Scene Sequence for couple - Solo: 2 single sit F/M 86 poses
-ADULT Version 424 loop animations: 89 PG + 80 ADULT couple poses - 7 PG + 6 ADULT Scene Sequence for couple - Solo: 2 single sit F/M 86 poses
You can unlink all the pieces and use them as you wish
The scripts inside is not Modify, if you see that the piece is not modify is only for this reason
The pieces is 100% mesh, if you modify size the prim count (Land Impact) will change up or down, same applies if you unlink or link other pieces
martedì 20 ottobre 2020
Il cane è un gentiluomo. È sincero, non mente, non inganna, non tradisce, è generoso, è altruista, ha fiducia“.Ma c’è di più: “Se guardi negli occhi il tuo cane, come puoi ancora dubitare che non abbia un’anima?“.
Signore, lasciami essere metà dell’uomo che il mio cane pensa io sia.
Creative Stylez -
Bento Posen
- My Dog
Marketplace and Inworldshop Release ▶▶ Inworld-Shop:
mercoledì 14 ottobre 2020
USDesigns Milano shower set 172 HQ Bento animations - Aeros, It's not mine and Xcite! compatible
This set is composed by:
A shower with 172 stunning couple animations and hot/cold ultra-realistic water system with water sound and light system. (land impact 8)
An indoor screen (land impact 2)
An outdoor screen (land impact 2)
An outdoor wooden base (land impact 1)
A decorative pair of flip-flop sandals (land impact 1)
A decorative plant (land impact 2)
A table (land impact 1)
A tray with a set of bathroom items ( land impact 1)
A towel (land impact 1)
Remember that all this is copy so you can put in world as many as you want or need.
The outdoor and indoor screens, the table, the tray, the towel, and the outdoor wooden base objects are copy and modify so you can adjust them to your place.
----The animations engine----
It has a selection of 172 of the best animations from the best professional animations creators in second life and Bento hand poses. The menu is well structured and designed for a better experience (it will not be hard to find that animation you need in those kinds of situations ;) ).
Aeros compatible, the hardness and tilt of the Aeros genitals will be changed automatically depending on the pose you are running,
The sex engine is now compatible with the It's Not Mine System if the avatar who is wearing a compatible penis, for example, Xcite! or Aeros (see It's Not Mine cum system for more info) it will come to the right place. It has lick events implemented to the poses that make sense so the right place will be cleaned when lick, avatars will be cleaned too if they run a single or couple shower pose.
Please come to our store in-world and try it with no hurry, you will be amazed.
Key features.
-172 animations.
-Bento compatible
-No poseballs.
-Lag reduction.
-Easy adjustment for different avatar sizes.
-Aeros compatible.
-Xcite! arousal control and I'ts Not Mine body cum system.
-Facial expressions (only for classic avatars, mesh heads use their own gesture huds).
-Can be restricted to be used by the owner, a group, or everyone.
martedì 13 ottobre 2020
"Together for eternity"
Old scene H12
@ LEVEL Event Halloween
(Open 1st @2PM SLT to 25th October, 2020)
10% Discount
.:Tm:.Creation "Together for eternity" Old scene H12
Old scene with skeletons, rocks, books, photos, cauldron, cobwebs, bushes, dead tree, floor light effects
Land Impact 12
Approximate sizes: meters 3.2 wide x 2 deep
Permission: Copy | Modify | No Transfer
100% Mesh
You can unlink all pieces and use them as you wish
The scripts inside is not Modify, if you see that the piece is not modify is only for this reason
The pieces is 100% mesh, if you modify size the prim count (Land Impact) will change up or down, same applies if you unlink or link other pieces
Available in .:Tm:.Creation store after event
domenica 11 ottobre 2020
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